"One controversial solution being considered is a move back to price controls. The New York Legislature and the San Francisco City Council are considering expanding rent controls. Some politicians in Vermont are trying to limit the price of milk. And in Alaska, a bill to cap oil prices is pending in the state legislature.
Proponents say the government has an obligation to provide relief for consumers during these trying economic times. But many economists say controlling prices and rents has failed in the past, and it often has bad consequences."
Para seguir buscando parecidos con el sabor local, está la leche americana:
"Vermont legislators, on the other hand, want price controls to help farmers. They believe the difference between the retail price of milk and the amount Vermont farmers receive is unconscionable."
Como suele pasar, muchos economistas, asustados, salieron a argumentar la gran variedad de perjuicios que el control de precios puede traer a la economía. Entre ellos, el señor Mankiw:
"The bad news: There will be more shortages and gross inefficiencies in the allocation of resources."
Cosas de todos los días.
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